ISO 13611:2014 Interpreting — Guidelines for Community Interpreting

ISO 13611:2014 provides guidelines for community interpreting, which is an essential service for linguistic minorities in accessing public institutions, human and social services, healthcare institutions, business and industry, faith-based organizations, and emergency situations. With the growing diversity of languages and cultures in many countries, community interpreting has become increasingly important.

By obtaining the ISO 13611:2014 certification from Certly Consulting, interpreters can demonstrate their expertise in community interpreting and gain a competitive edge in the market. The certification process ensures that interpreters have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high-quality interpretation services in a range of settings.

Certification also benefits service providers who work with interpreters, as it provides reassurance that the interpreters, they are working with meet the standards outlined in the ISO 13611:2014 guidelines. This can help service providers to meet their legal obligations to provide equal access to services for all members of the community.

Overall, the ISO 13611:2014 certification helps to raise the standards of community interpreting and improve the quality of interpretation services. It also helps to promote the recognition of the importance of community interpreting and the role that interpreters play in ensuring that linguistic minorities have equal access to services. With the certification from Certly Consulting, interpreters can demonstrate their expertise in community interpreting and contribute to creating a more inclusive society.

Our Certifications

Benefits & Advantages of obtaining ISO 13611:2014

Obtaining ISO 13611:2014 certification from Certly Consulting provides several benefits and advantages for both individuals and organizations in the interpreting industry. These benefits are as follows:

ISO 13611:2014
  • First and foremost, obtaining this certification demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality interpreting services to linguistic minorities and those in need of community interpreting services. The certification provides assurance to clients and stakeholders that the interpreter has the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to provide quality interpreting services in a professional and ethical manner.

  • In addition, ISO 13611:2014 certification helps interpreters to improve their skills and knowledge in community interpreting by providing guidelines and best practices. The certification process also includes an assessment of the interpreter’s skills and knowledge, which can be used as a tool for self-improvement and continuing professional development.

  • For organizations, ISO 13611:2014 certification can lead to increased business opportunities, as it demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality interpreting services and complying with international standards. It can also improve the reputation of the organization and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Finally, obtaining ISO 13611:2014 certification can help to establish a competitive advantage in the interpreting industry, as it demonstrates a commitment to quality and professionalism. This can lead to increased business opportunities and help to differentiate an interpreter or organization from their competitors.

  • At Certly Consulting, we offer a streamlined certification process for individuals and organizations seeking ISO 13611:2014 certification. Our team of experts can guide you through the process and provide support and resources to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you obtain ISO 13611:2014 certification.

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