Obtain ISO Certification with Cerly Consulting

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a non-governmental organization that sets international standards to ensure the quality and safety of products and services. Two such standards in the translation industry are ISO 17100 and ISO 13611.

While both standards have been developed to ensure high-quality translations, they differ in their scope and requirements. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between ISO 17100 and ISO 13611 to help you determine which standard is best for your business.

ISO 17100: Translation Services – Requirements for Translation Services

ISO 17100 is a quality standard developed specifically for translation service providers. This standard specifies the requirements for the management of core processes, resources, and other aspects necessary for the delivery of high-quality translation services. The goal of this standard is to provide a framework that ensures consistent quality in translation services.

The ISO 17100 standard covers the entire translation process, including the translation, editing, proofreading, and final review of the translation. The standard also requires that the translation service provider must have a documented quality management system (QMS) in place to ensure the quality of the translation services provided.

ISO 13611: Translation Services – Procedures for Recurring Tasks

ISO 13611 is a process standard that provides guidance on how to handle recurring tasks within the translation process. These tasks include file handling, terminology management, project management, and quality assurance.

The purpose of ISO 13611 is to ensure that the translation process is carried out in a consistent and efficient manner, and to reduce errors and inconsistencies in the translation process.

Differences Between ISO 17100 and ISO 13611

The main difference between ISO 17100 and ISO 13611 is that ISO 17100 is a requirements standard, while ISO 13611 is a process standard. ISO 17100 specifies the requirements that a translation service provider must meet to provide high-quality translation services. On the other hand, ISO 13611 provides guidelines for the translation process to ensure consistency and efficiency.

ISO 17100 requires the translation service provider to have a documented QMS in place to ensure consistent quality. This QMS must include procedures for project management, translation, editing, and proofreading, as well as quality control and assurance. ISO 13611 does not require a documented QMS, but it does provide guidance on how to handle recurring tasks within the translation process.

Which Standard Is Right for Your Business?

The choice between ISO 17100 and ISO 13611 depends on your business needs and the nature of your translation services. If you are a translation service provider and want to provide high-quality translation services to your clients, ISO 17100 is the better choice as it provides a comprehensive framework for the entire translation process.

On the other hand, if you are a small business that occasionally requires translation services, ISO 13611 may be more suitable as it provides guidelines on how to handle recurring tasks within the translation process.


Both ISO 17100 and ISO 13611 are valuable standards in the translation industry, but they differ in their scope and requirements. ISO 17100 is a requirements standard that specifies the requirements for the management of core processes, resources, and other aspects necessary for the delivery of high-quality translation services. ISO 13611 is a process standard that provides guidance on how to handle recurring tasks within the translation process.

Choosing the right standard depends on your business needs and the nature of your translation services. At Certly Consulting, we can help you navigate these standards and provide the necessary certification to meet your business needs. Contact us now to request a free quote for ISO certification.

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