Obtain ISO Certification with Cerly Consulting

ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 are two internationally recognized standards that provide guidelines for translation service providers to ensure the highest quality translations. However, these two standards have significant differences that set them apart from each other. In this article, we will take a closer look at the differences between ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 and their impact on translation quality.


ISO 17100 is a quality standard that provides a framework for translation service providers to manage their translation processes, including project management, human resources, and quality assurance. It is based on the principles of the European standard EN 15038 and covers all aspects of the translation process, from project management to delivery. The standard defines the minimum requirements for translation service providers and sets the quality level expected from the translation process.


ISO 18587, on the other hand, focuses on post-editing of machine translations. It provides guidelines for the post-editing of machine translations and defines the competences and qualifications required for post-editors. ISO 18587 sets out the requirements for the revision of machine translations by human post-editors, taking into account the intended purpose of the translation, the subject matter, and the target audience.


The main difference between ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 is their focus. While ISO 17100 covers the entire translation process, ISO 18587 only addresses the post-editing of machine translations. Another significant difference is that ISO 18587 places more emphasis on the qualification and competence of post-editors, whereas ISO 17100 focuses on the overall quality management system of translation service providers.


In conclusion, both ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 play a critical role in ensuring high-quality translations. While ISO 17100 provides a comprehensive framework for the entire translation process, ISO 18587 focuses solely on the post-editing of machine translations. It is essential for translation service providers to understand the differences between these two standards and choose the most appropriate one for their specific needs.

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