ISO 18587 is a standard that defines the requirements for the post-editing of machine translation output. This standard provides guidelines to ensure the quality of machine translated content is edited by human translators to meet the specified requirements. Implementing the standard can help in increasing the efficiency of translation and quality of output while saving time and cost.

Here are some tips and strategies to maximize the benefits of ISO 18587:

  1. Identify the scope of the standard: First, you need to understand the scope of the standard and whether it is applicable to your translation workflow. ISO 18587 applies to the post-editing of machine translation output for various content types, including technical, legal, and medical.
  2. Choose the right machine translation system: A key aspect of ISO 18587 is the selection of the right machine translation system. You need to choose a system that is capable of producing output that is consistent with the requirements of the standard. The system should also be trained and customized to your specific language pairs and content type.
  3. Identify the right post-editing process: ISO 18587 specifies the requirements for post-editing, which should be followed to ensure the quality of the output. You need to define a process that is consistent with these requirements and tailored to your specific translation workflow.
  4. Provide training to your post-editors: Post-editing is a specialized skill that requires training and expertise. Providing training to your post-editors will ensure that they have the skills and knowledge to post-edit machine-translated content efficiently.
  5. Monitor and measure the quality of output: Regular monitoring and measurement of the quality of output is critical to ensuring the effectiveness of the ISO 18587 implementation. You can use quality metrics such as post-editing effort, error rate, and consistency to evaluate the quality of output.

In conclusion, implementing ISO 18587 can help in improving the quality of machine-translated content and saving time and cost. By understanding the standard’s requirements and following the above tips and strategies, you can maximize the benefits of ISO 18587 and improve the efficiency of your translation workflow. Request a free quote from Certly Consulting to get certified for ISO 18587 and ensure the quality of your post-edited content.

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