ISO 18841:2018 Interpreting Services-General requirements and recommendations

The translation industry is rapidly growing, and the demand for professional translation services is higher than ever. In this context, it is crucial for translation service providers to set themselves apart from the competition by ensuring high-quality standards. One of the best ways to achieve this is by obtaining ISO 13611 certification.

ISO 13611 is a set of international standards that specify the requirements for translation service providers. The standard includes guidelines on the management of resources, project management, quality control, and other aspects of translation services. It is designed to ensure that translation service providers offer a consistent, high-quality service that meets the needs of their clients.

Here are some of the benefits of obtaining ISO 13611 certification for translation service providers:

  1. Improved quality of service: ISO 13611 provides a framework for delivering high-quality translation services that meet the needs of clients. By following the guidelines set out in the standard, translation service providers can ensure that their services are consistent, accurate, and of a high quality.
  2. Increased customer satisfaction: ISO 13611 certification demonstrates a translation service provider’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Clients are more likely to choose a certified provider, as they have confidence that the provider has the necessary systems and processes in place to deliver a high-quality service.
  3. Competitive advantage: In a crowded marketplace, ISO 13611 certification can give a translation service provider a competitive edge. Certification sets the provider apart from competitors who may not have the same level of quality management systems in place.
  4. Improved efficiency: The requirements of ISO 13611 cover all aspects of the translation process, from project management to resource management. By implementing these requirements, translation service providers can improve their efficiency and reduce waste.
  5. Better risk management: ISO 13611 certification helps translation service providers identify potential risks and take steps to manage them. This can help to prevent errors, reduce rework, and ensure that projects are delivered on time and on budget.

In conclusion, obtaining ISO 13611 certification is a valuable investment for any translation service provider. By following the guidelines set out in the standard, providers can improve the quality of their service, increase customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. If you’re interested in obtaining ISO 13611 certification for your translation service business, contact Certly Consulting today for a free quote.

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