ISO 18587

Translation post-editing is an essential aspect of the translation process, and it is critical to ensure that it meets certain standards. ISO 18587 provides guidelines for translation post-editing and sets the minimum requirements for both the post-editor and the translation service provider. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to ISO 18587 and the translation post-editing standards that it sets.

ISO 18587 is a relatively new standard, having been published in 2017. It defines the requirements for the provision of post-editing services, including the competencies and qualifications of the post-editor, and the processes and resources required for the provision of post-editing services. The standard also sets out the quality criteria that the post-edited translations must meet.

ISO 18587 applies to translation service providers that offer post-editing services to their clients. It is designed to provide a framework for ensuring that post-editing services meet certain standards, and that the quality of the post-edited translations is consistent and of a high standard.

The standard sets out the minimum requirements for post-editing competencies, which include proficiency in the source and target languages, knowledge of the subject matter, and experience in post-editing. The standard also provides guidance on the types of texts that can be post-edited, the post-editing process, and the quality assurance measures that must be in place.

Benefits of ISO 18587

One of the key benefits of ISO 18587 is that it provides a framework for measuring the quality of post-editing services. This allows translation service providers to demonstrate to their clients that their post-editing services meet certain standards, and that the quality of their post-edited translations is consistent and of a high standard.

In summary, ISO 18587 is a comprehensive standard that sets out the minimum requirements for translation post-editing services. It provides a framework for ensuring that post-editing services meet certain standards, and that the quality of post-edited translations is consistent and of a high standard. If you are a translation service provider offering post-editing services, obtaining ISO 18587 certification can be an excellent way to demonstrate your commitment to quality and to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Contact Certly Consulting now to request a free quote for ISO 18587 certification.

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